How to Create App Admob Self-Click Using AIDE
INFOTECH.EU.ORG - Hello everyone, come back with us, okay on this occasion I will share tips and tutorials with all of you how to make an application for self-click admob.
Previously you must have already known what Admob is, and how it works and what is the payment system, now most people use Admob to monetize your application, then what if we don't have an application and want to get money from Admob ?.
In my opinion, it's easy to get money from Admob, you just have to register, monetize it to your application, then just publish your application to the Google Play Store, or you can publish it to the Sotre App provided by Amazon, or it can be to iOS or others.
Well, if you want to register your application to the Google Play Store, you must first register with the Google Developer Console, and you also have to pay $ 25 for the first and forever registration, continue to the discussion, Is there another way to get money without us having to publish our application to the Google Play Store, the answer is there !!.
Here I will share Tips and Tutorials without us having to publish our application to the Google Play Store, before going to the tutorial, you must prepare the tools or materials that you must use to make the Admob Self Click application, including
1. The AIDE Mod / Android Studio application
You must know with this one application, Yes, this application is an application for us to create an application using Java Code, XML, Manifest, etc. If you don't have the AIDE Mod application, you can download it HERE.
2. Admob Account
If you don't have an Admob Account, you can register HERE, and create a Banner, Interstitial, and Video Reward Ad Unit. if we have continued to the next stage.
After all the materials or tools are there, let's start with the discussion.